Opinion: PSU Republicans weigh in on WPH

Ethan Dupuis


Pres. PSU Republicans


We first would like to share our official position as a club, and then move into our thought process. 

We fully recognize the importance of Women’s Power Hour and the incredibly positive movement that surrounds it. PSU Republicans believe that encouraging women to work out in a safe and welcoming environment is necessary. However, to maintain the wonderful and positive message of WPH, there needs to be a sufficient alternative for men. It is not a matter of women’s rights or men’s rights, it’s a matter of equal rights. If every student pays the same tuition, they should have the same access to the amenities they pay for. 

We understand the nuance of women’s comfortability in the gym, therefore WPH should remain a program offered. This would require alterations to ensure that all Plymouth State students are given equal rights and opportunities. This could include opening up a part of the gym for all during WPH or moving WPH to after normal operating hours.

The debate that surrounds Women’s Power Hour is a perfect example of the conflicting concepts of equality and equity. PSU Republicans believe in equal opportunity and not equal outcome. The intention behind WPH is sound and necessary. Women need a space to feel encouraged and safe while working out, as it may be intimidating to enter into a male dominated atmosphere. The concept of equity, however, eliminates the idea of the individual and can lead to greater injustices via overcorrection. For example, men and women pay the same amount of money to attend PSU. WPH encourages women to attend the gym, without the presence of men. WPH cuts into the allotted time of the gym, where men get 81 hours and women get 85. If male and female students pay the same to attend the university, then they should have the same access to what they paid for. In this example, equity is not fair. The program must still run with the same rules and goals, but in order to appease Title IX–There must be an alternative for men during the period the gym is closed to them. There should never be any blanket statements that stereotype any gender. Stating that men are narrow-minded or brutish is harmful to purpose of Women’s Power Hour. The positive movement of WPH cannot be overshadowed by the inequality that it creates for men. 

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