Stressed out about finals? Check out these six tips to help you take on finals week with confidence!
Sleep, sleep, sleep!
Although you may be chugging down coffee all week, getting a healthy amount of sleep is essential for finals week. It is recommended that you get seven to eight hours of sleep each night to make sure your mental and physical health are in good shape. Make sure to get the sleep you need so you can focus in on what’s really important this week.
Take breaks
As important as studying is, taking breaks is just as necessary. Do whatever will allow you to clear your mind for a bit and decompress. This could be anything from meditation, going outside, or even putting on a TV show. While breaks are great, be careful not to take too many or else you risk getting distracted and not preparing enough for your finals.
Reward Yourself
While studying for finals is something that most students dread, there are ways to make it a bit more fun. A great way is to reward yourself. For example, after each chapter reviewed, allow yourself to have a piece of candy or some coffee. Things like this make the whole process a lot more enjoyable and allow you to pace yourself.
Take It One Final at a Time
It’s easy to get stressed about finals when you don’t know where to start. Taking a moment to understand what you need to study tends to be easier than just jumping right in. Taking it one final at a time helps you realize what you already know, what you don’t know, and what you need to learn before the final exam. Since all of the finals take place over a few days, I find it helpful to focus on which final is first and study for your exams in chronological order. Taking it one final at a time!
Eat Good
Something that students often forget, especially during finals week, is remembering to eat three square meals throughout the day. It’s important to eat healthily during these stressful times. Healthy foods include fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and protein. These foods can benefit your study habits, which will help you do better on the exam. You might be tempted to consume sugary drinks in order to stay focused and energized but these will only lead to you crashing before you finish what you started. Healthy foods can keep you energized for long periods of time, which is what we need during finals week.
Start Early
Starting your day early with the intent to study throughout the day is a great habit to have during finals week. We sometimes find ourselves in the library at midnight on a Monday studying for a final on Tuesday morning. While there is nothing wrong with being up late and studying until the sun comes up, you might be less stressed if you take some time in the morning to review for the exam. For me, studying throughout the day is more beneficial than saving everything for a late-night study in Lamson Library.

Luke Wieland ‘21 is a sophomore at Plymouth State University majoring in Marketing with a minor in Graphic Design and is from Baltimore, Maryland. When Luke isn’t in the classroom you can find him skateboarding around campus, snowboarding at Loon, and hiking with friends.