Photo from Psychology Club Instagram

Get psyched about Psych Club

Luke Young


Managing Editor


Psychology Club has been around since at least the 90’s, according to Dr. David Zehr, and has existed in some capacity since then. Records from 2007 indicate that the club was primarily inactive, hosting few students and only having a ‘therapy dog day’ in terms of outreach. This past year, Joseph Pardee Jr. began the revival of the club, taking over as president after the former’s graduation. His goal is to get academic clubs the same respect as other organizations on campus, and support people within the major.

The usual meetings consist of introductions, where attendees are asked their name, major, and the question of the day, followed by going over a list of items put together by Pardee for members to discuss. These items are usually surrounding the events they plan to hold and the support that they would like to give to psychology students. The club is fairly small for the time being, with only 9 members on the PAW, but they hope for more people to attend.

Rebecca Bernard, an attendee of this club, reported that the best part of the club is “The connection opportunity it lends to the Psychology department. There seems to be a split between the Mental Health and Development focuses within the major.” Other members agreed with Bernard, stating that they enjoy “making a change, working together, sharing experiences, and meeting new people.” 

As the current members state, “All majors are welcome to attend, though the club is more aimed toward psychology majors.” Psych Club welcomes students of all majors to attend though the club’s programming is directed toward students in major, similar to Student Nurses Association.

Psychology Club attended the Open House on Dec 2, and intends to work with other clubs as much as they can. Their meetings are held on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm in Hyde 215. They can be found on Instagram or reached out to directly at