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SGA Genboard Round-Up 11/6

Luke Young


Managing Editor


Beginning with the old business, Jonah Rosenberg informed the group that a survey about Blue Light Phones will be going out on Thursday, to further the project’s impact and development. Student Body Vice President, Nicole Reynolds, announced that more clubs have filed for integration and that the potential Crew club will be presenting this coming Monday, Nov. 13th. Devonte Gilmore, Student Body President, announced the ski package announcement has been pushed back until after NECHE finishes its work on campus.

The Senior Class Council has been in discussion about senior week, which will take place from Monday, Apr. 29th to Saturday, May 4th, and the usual winter clothing drive will be taking place shortly. They have also been in discussion about commencement speakers, and are looking for potential candidates. No word on if Adam Sandler has responded to November 24th’s DM. 

The sophomore class council is planning a potential event with Beans and Greens Farm, revolving around gourds and pumpkins, which will likely take place before the end of the semester.

Will Loughlin gave a summary of the new student fee proposal, which looks to have a 2.5% increase in fees and will be finalized and suggested to Student Life next week. Last year, fees were increased the same amount, and most of the extra funding was put towards the Counseling Center. Student Recreation will be receiving a 31.5% increase in their share of fees, but the Student Union will be losing 21.3%, as the HEFA debt has been paid off. This loan was put towards HUB programming, which some SGA members suggested may have been better suited to fixing various leaks and problems instead. The shuttle service will also be receiving more budget, and have already hired a new driver and instated a new shuttle. The Ice Arena will also have an increased portion of the fees, as their facility runs year round which due to “cold air and warm air mixing, it causes a lot of mold issues in the summer. And it has also apparently been causing damage to a lot of their skates and rental equipment.”

Resolution 2324.3 Personal Furniture was drafted by Will Hicking, whose official position is unclear, having been referred to as both an off-campus representative and that of the class of ‘25. The proposal suggests that the decision to bring furniture into residential spaces should be left up to individual students who will, in turn, “assume the risk and responsibility for damaged furniture which should not interfere with their right to use their own personal furniture.” Various members of the Association were concerned with fire and safety hazards that may result from an increased amount of furniture in buildings and suggested that the sweeping suggestion could pose a safety risk the way it is currently written. 

Christyan Cimino, Vice Speaker, suggested that furniture be inspected or registered, which was later backed up by Hicking who agreed that it could be used as a safety alternative. Gilmore also mentioned that due to flooding last year, many students had to be compensated for ruined furniture, which put even more strain on the school’s budget. Skyler Hammes, Class of ‘27 Treasurer suggested “having specific forms for personal furniture, where they’re able to get them inspected, and maybe having deadlines … so we would take all responsibility for our personal furniture within that form.” All suggestions made by SGA would come with a nonsignificant price tag as well as more effort from Residential Life. 

After a brief discussion on what an amendment to this proposal should include, such as health condition accommodations and measurement of the furniture, the resolution was passed with the stipulation that the amendment is completed.

For constituent concerns, Hammes talked about inclusivity issues surrounding a lack of handicapped seating on any floors in residential buildings and holes in the pavement making the use of crutches much harder. She additionally posited that the removal of bathtubs in Pemigewasset Hall may alienate some students. Rosenberg informed the room that the bathtubs are very infrequently cleaned or functional, and Cimono suggested that the tub removal “also includes them renovating the entire bathroom, which will include them by state law has to handicap disability accessible showers for restrooms.”

Hicking once again clarified his stance on Women’s Power Hour violating Title IX, claiming that he personally has no problem with it, but is concerned about the legality of why the university can refuse entry to a public space based on gender. Hannah Lowell, Commuter Representative, reiterated the statement she gave to The Clock, which defined ‘prohibition based on sex’ as “sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and quid pro quo harassment.” Men have access to the gym for 83 out of 85 hours that it is open, and the Late Night Lifts program makes up for WPH by opening the gym to all students for extended hours.

Though Gilmore does not personally use the gym in the HUB so as to “not get hot and sweaty with [his] peers,” he supports WPH based on the statistics around it, as well as his background in working with victims of sexual violence. Gilmore shot down the prospect of opening up the Morgridge Strength and Performance Lab as the specialized equipment should not be used by persons not trained to use it. Opening up the athletics gym was also stated to be nonviable due to already being overbooked.

The meeting of SGA ended at this point and will begin again next Monday, Nov. 13th.