Student-athletes pumped for new gym

Gabriela Gondolfe


SGA President Class of ‘23


Plymouth State University dedicated its new Morgridge Strength and Performance Lab, a 16,000-square-foot-facility, with a public ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, September 1st. This $4 million project has been in the works since May of 2022 and transformed the old field house building into a state-of-the-art strength and performance lab. Not only will student-athletes make full use of the facility, but it will also be used as a teaching lab for a wide range of health and science academic programs available through PSU’s innovative Cluster Learning model, such as exercise and sport physiology and human performance, athletic training, and advanced graduate programs for physical therapists. 

Senior Women’s lacrosse player Olivia Croke, who has been starting on the team since freshman year, is just one student-athlete who is very excited about the new facility. When asked about the changes, she said, “It is much different from our old gym. My freshman year, our whole team lifted in a small weight room on the first floor of the PE center. This room was such a small space which felt overwhelming to lift in as a team. Lifting with my whole team in a big room is so much fun.”

PSU has added many new pieces of equipment that are a big improvement compared to the older lifting facilities. One of the newest additions she enjoys is the new platforms but also the turf added. The turf in the strength room brings opportunities for more exercises and a place for teams to warm up before lifting. “Being able to lift in this room is a privilege that my teammates and I look forward to every day. The new lift room has such a better aura to it, making athletes want to lift, and push themselves, as well as pushing their teammates to be better”. 

The new space improves the team’s morale as well as other teams in the PSU Community,  “I can already see the difference in attitude when we go to lift, everyone is so upbeat and excited to work out together. I have friends that are on different sports teams, and they have agreed, this new lifting facility is so amazing and makes athletes excited to get in there and workout.”. Currently the Women’s lacrosse team is in their fall ball season, gearing up to play in the spring. Going into her final season, Croke considers the new space an asset to the team, she stated “Being able to lift with my team and push each other is making me really excited for the season. As important as running, practicing stick skills, going over plays is important to prepare for our season, lifting and strength training are equally important. Being able to lift with my team in this amazing facility is only going to make us better when the season comes”. The women’s lacrosse team just had their Alumni Game Saturday, September 24th, alongside former Little East Conference Champions which was great in preparing them for their first scrimmage against SNHU coming up. 

PSU funded about $3 million of the project, with the remaining $1 million coming from donations. It is nice to see that donors and alumni care so profoundly about athletics and the University itself, to create a space for current and future panthers to utilize for years to come.

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