Undergraduate students must complete the mandatory criminal record check as part of Decision Point II, before the end of the second year at PSU.
Graduate students and upper-class transfer or major-change students must complete the mandatory criminal record check immediately upon acceptance into an educator licensure program.
There are two major tasks to this process: fingerprinting AND submitting a clearance application. Please, carefully read the instructions below. Parts of the process are not especially intuitive, and you will avoid delay by using these instructions.
Skip this task if you already have a NH DOE Educator account.
Use this link to open a myNHDOE account and obtain an Educator ID number (EDID).
Here are the DOE instructions for setting up your account.
Stuck? Submit a mynhdoe help request ticket (do not try to call).
Note: If you have ever submitted a test evaluation form, applied for any credential, had test scores submitted from ETS or Pearson to our office, or received a recommendation for licensure from a NH approved educator preparation program, you likely already have an EIS account established. This account may or may not have sufficient profile information to associate with your mynhdoe account during the set up process.
Task 1
Do not complete Task 1 until you are ready to complete Task 2, because fingerprinting expires after 30 days and will have to be redone if Task 2 is not completed before then..
Complete the first step of the Criminal Record Check by choosing one of the three fingerprinting options (fee is $21.25).
Note: The NH DOE required criminal record check is valid for 4 years. It will be redone at the time of licensure. In addition, students later enrolling in a graduate program may need to complete a new criminal record check, regardless of expiration date of initial check.
Two Ways to Complete the Criminal Record Check Fingerprinting
This is the most direct and efficient way to complete the criminal record check. However, it requires a visit (by appointment) to one of 7 designated Live Scan sites (see list). Please read these option a detailed instructions .
This option requires a visit (by appointment) to the Plymouth Police Department, located at 334 Main Street in Plymouth, NH. There, you will meet Plymouth University Officer, Amanda Hutchins, to complete your criminal record check fingerprinting. This option is available , by appointment on Tuesdays from 9-11 AM and 1-3 PM. This option may take 2-3 weeks longer to receive results than option A and requires you to mail items to the NH Department of Safety. Please read these option b detailed instructions.
Note: For extenuating circumstances, there is a third way to complete fingerprinting. Please contact the Holmes Center clinical coordinator for assistance if needs be.
Task 2
Submit the NH DOE Criminal History Record Check Clearance application (fee $100). Please read these detailed instructions.
Note: You will need a scan or copy of your driver's license ( or other government issued picture ID) saved as a pdf file (15MB max) when applying. Here are instructions for converting a picture into a PDF. Payment by credit card is due at the time of application.
Notify the PSU Holmes Center for School Partnerships & Educator Preparation that you have completed Tasks 1 and 2. An email will do.
In addition, when you receive your Clearance Approval certificate from the NH Department of Safety, forward the email to the Holmes Center.
Remember, you will not be granted clearance if the NH Department of Safety does not receive or approve your fingerprints.
- If you did not use the DOE portal to make your fingerprinting appointment, did you remember to mail the required items with your payment ($20.00) to the NH Department of Safety?
- If it has been four weeks or more since your fingerprints were sent to the NH Department of Safety and you have not received your clearance certificate:
- Did you check your inbox and spam folder in case the Department of Safety needs more information from you?
- Did you complete Task 2? If you don't remember paying the $100 fee to the NH DOE, then you need to go back to Task 2 above.
- Finally, if all else fails, please notify the Holmes Center so that we can attempt to assist you.
Congratulations, you did it!