Constitution Day

Picture of the constitution

Constitution Day became a national observance in 2004, when Senator Robert Byrd passed a bill designating September 17 as the day for citizens to commemorate the signing in 1787 of the U.S. Constitution and to learn more about our founding document. Senator Byrd once said, “Our ideals of freedom, set forth and realized in our Constitution, are our greatest export to the world.” He added the Constitution Day clause to his 2004 federal spending bill because he believed that all citizens should know about their rights as outlined in the Constitution.

PSU is proud to acknowledge how the Constitution has shaped and continues to shape our country’s history.

Constitution Day 2024


Students, staff, and faculty are cordially invited to the 20204 Constitution Day event, held on Tuesday, September 17, from 2–4 p.m. in the HUB Hage Room. This year we'll be examining the 2024 Election and the Right to Vote.  What does the Constitution say about voting?  How do we register to vote? And most importantly, who should you vote for?

The event will include a panel detailing the right to vote as well as information about how you can register to vote in New Hampshire.  But this Constitution Day is special as it will feature a live, moderated debate between the PSU Campus Republicans and the PSU Campus Democrats.  Both sides will try their best to convince you that their party will solve the issues that matter most to you.  You won’t want to miss this!

This event is an excellent opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and anyone else to discuss and learn more about how the Constitution is interpreted and applied in daily life and how those interpretations can change over time.

Panelists will include: 

  • Dr. Jason Charrette, professor of political science, an expert on foreign policy and conflict, and an experienced Constitution Day organizer.
  • Prof. Kelsie Eckert, professor of social studies education, an award-winning secondary teacher, women’s history podcaster, and civic educator.
  • Prof. Rebecca Noel, professor of history, chair of the History and Social Studies Education program, and New Hampshire Humanities lecturer.

Previous Constitution Days

Constitution Day 2023

The PSU community was invited to a workshop and panel discussion on Monday, September 18th, 2023 in the HUB Hage Room. This event was an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and anyone else to discuss and learn more about how the Constitution is interpreted and applied in daily life and how those interpretations can change over time. It was a great extra credit, club, or class visit opportunity.

We examined the 1st Amendment right to political speech in the context of university life. Should we ban or "cancel" certain political opinions or is the solution to speech we don't like just more speech? 

The first half of the event gave students the opportunity to weigh in on a variety of topics ranging from neo-Nazis on campus to controversial opinions in the classroom. The second half of the event consisted of a panel discussion with Q & A to contextualize and deepen the conversation. Panelists included:

  • Dr. Jason Charrette, Professor of political science, an expert on foreign policy and conflict, and an experienced Constitution Day organizer.
  • Prof. Kelsie Eckert, Professor of social studies education, an award-winning secondary teacher, women’s history podcaster, and civic educator.
  • Prof. Rebecca Noel, Professor of history, chair of the History and Social Studies Education program, and New Hampshire Humanities lecturer.

The PSU community was invited to a workshop and panel discussion on Wednesday, September 14, to mark Constitution Day 2022.

Attendees engaged with the Constitution itself, examining its structure and looking especially at amendments related to recent US Supreme Court decisions affecting individual rights. Small groups also considered how this material can best be taught and publicized to sustain a civically healthy society.

The second half of the event consisted of a panel discussion followed by Q & A to contextualize and deepen the conversation. Panelists included:

  • Dr. Jason Charrette, political science, an expert on foreign policy and conflict, and an experienced Constitution Day organizer.
  • Prof. Kelsie Eckert, social studies education, an award-winning secondary teacher, women’s history podcaster, and civic educator.
  • Prof. Mark Fischler, JD, criminal justice, a former public defender who now teaches about legal ethics and Constitutional law.

This event was an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and our community to learn more about how the Constitution is interpreted and applied today.