Educator Webinars

Educator Webinars

Register for our FREE Online webinars. Sessions are offered by PSU faculty members who are passionate about providing K-12 educators, counselors, and administrators with information on current issues and hot topics that you can put to use the next day. Consider these new tools for your toolkit.

Did you know you can take up to 12 credits of graduate classes at PSU before applying? Utilize your professional development funds to explore new topics or invest in yourself by refreshing your skills, learning about new technology, or moving toward a leadership role. 

Upcoming Webinars

Silencing Stigma Around Substance Abuse: Understanding the Presence in Schools

Date: Tuesday, September 24
Time: 4:00 - 5:00pm

Presented by  April Mariska

A timely talk on recognizing the signs of substance use in students, students with substance use in their home, and emerging trends. Including discussion on understanding the implications of substance use on developing brains, and fostering connections to support students.

April Mariska is a licensed social worker and adjunct professor at Plymouth State University. She continues to work as a therapist full-time and has more than 20 years of clinical experience working in a variety of treatment settings with individuals seeking care around their substance use and mental health.


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We Have Technology! Now What Do We Do With It?

Bringing the Community of Inquiry into the K-12 Classroom

Date: Wednesday, October 23
Time: 4:00 - 5:00pm

Presented by Dr. Stacey Curdie

The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, originally designed for online learning environments is an excellent lens through which to examine technology use in the classroom. We will examine the ideas of social, cognitive, and teaching presence and how they each contribute to creating dynamic, positive, and collaborative learning environments. Then we will look at how we can leverage these concepts to help us make decisions about the overwhelming choice of educational technologies and how we use them.

Dr. Curdie is a teaching lecturer at Plymouth State University. A passionate advocate of online learning and teaching, she is an online instructional designer and former Registrar and co-editor of the New Hampshire Journal of Education. She has taught numerous courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Stacey is interested in all aspects of education with a particular penchant for studying teaching presence.

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Past Webinars

Don't Stop Believin': How AI Can Help You Thrive as an Educator

Join Dr. Pam Harland for an engaging discussion about how AI is not only a powerful tool for learning, but also a source of inspiration and motivation for educators. In this webinar, you will discover how AI can help you overcome challenges, save you time, and achieve your goals as an educator. There will time at the end for questions and sharing ideas. 


Trauma in the Classroom: How to Support Students

Dr. Rachele Hartley will talk about how our students are experiencing trauma at an alarming rate and showing it through their behavior in school. In this session we will discuss ways to be trauma informed in the classroom to help foster resilience and increase student focus so that they can focus on learning.  You will hear why trauma informed practices are important and discuss strategies that can easily be integrated into everyday practices, and talk through the implementation process. 


My Students, Your Students, Our Students: The Promise of Inclusive (Special) Education

Join Dr. Sara Scribner for a conversation about inclusive special education. This session will cover the basics of special education provision according to federal law, a discussion about changing perspectives on disability, and the foundations and promises of inclusive (special) education delivery for students with disabilities in our public schools. 


Managing Student Mental Health While Navigating Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of our society.  But, this does not come without some implications to the mental health of our students and ourselves. Join us for a discussion related to these implications and how to support students effectively.