Chen Wu
Dr. Chen Wu is associate professor of economics and director of Business Graduate Programs. Professor Wu teaches a variety of economics courses and business statistics at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He is dedicated in applying advanced empirical research to inform policy. His qualifications and research are in public economics, regional economics, and international economics.

Dr. Wu’s refereed research portfolio includes a number of notable publications in peer-reviewed journals such as Regional Science and Urban Economics, Public Finance Review, Journal of Media Economics, Global Economy Journal, Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, and presentations in national conferences including the American Economic Association and the Eastern Economic Association. His studies include topics such as foreign direct investment and international trade, as well as the impact of foreign direct investment and related policies on local economies. Dr. Wu also conducts funded economic analysis projects for the state and local government agencies. He is the co-author of annually published New Hampshire Foreign Direct Investment Report, which captured interest and attention from the state and beyond.
Selected Publications
- “Effects of China’s ‘limited entertainment order’ policy on program diversity: an analysis based on panel threshold model” (with J. Cheng and J. Chi), Journal of Media Economics, first published online February 2021. DOI:10.1080/08997764.2021.1888210.
- Presented at the 2020 Annual Conference of Eastern Economic Association (EEA)
- “THE LASTING IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT THROUGHOUT NEW HAMPSHIRE” (with J. Dapra and R. Wright), Journal of Business, Economics and Market Research 1(3): 190-197, 2020.
- “The 2020 New Hampshire Globalization Report” (with R. Wright), released in January 2021.
- Presented at the webinar COVID-19 and Foreign Firms’ Activities in NH: Resilience and Regionalization, co-sponsored by New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs and PSU.
- Wright, Roxana and Wu, Chen, “New Hampshire Foreign Direct Investment Report: Presence and Contributions to State and County Economies” (2018). Faculty Scholarship & Creative Works. 3. https://digitalcommons.plymouth.edu/faculty/3
- Dapra, Jonathan; Wright, Roxana; and Wu, Chen, “New Hampshire FDI Data Commentary: Fall 2019” (2019). Faculty Scholarship & Creative Works. 6. https://digitalcommons.plymouth.edu/faculty/6
- Dapra, Jonathan; Wright, Roxana; and Wu, Chen, “FDI 101: An Overview of Foreign Direct Investment” (2019). Faculty Scholarship & Creative Works. 7. https://digitalcommons.plymouth.edu/faculty/7
- “Effects of China’s Limited Entertainment Order Policy on Program Diversity: An Analysis Based on Panel Threshold Model ” (with J. Cheng and J. Chi).
- Presented at the 2020 Annual Conference of Eastern Economic Association (EEA)
- “Employment by Foreign Firms in the US: Do State Incentives Matter?” (with C. Rogers), Regional Science and Urban Economics42(4): 664-680, 2012
- “Exchange Rate Adjustments and US Trade with China: What does a State Level Analysis Tell Us?” (with F. Demir), Global Economy Journal 17(2): 1-14, 2017
- “Competing for Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Local Governments in China” (with G. Burge). Article first published online: March 15, 2017; Public Finance Review 46 (6): 1044-1068, 2018
- “One Size Does Not Fit All: Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Policies across US States” (with C. Rogers), Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy 48(1): 23-43, 2018
- “Entry/Exit Behavior and Employment by Foreign Firms in China: The Role of Provincial Investment-Promotion Policies” (with L. Su), 2017
- Presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of Eastern Economic Association (EEA)
- “Employment by Foreign-Owned Firms: Heterogeneous Response to Investment-Promotion Policies across US States,” (with C. Rogers)
- Presented at the 2012 Annual Conference of American Economic Association (AEA)
- “New England States Economic Profile,” 2015
- Presented at the 2015 meetings of Northern New England School of Banking
- “New Hampshire Globalization Report” (with R. Wright), press release conference on March 28, 2018
Media Coverage and Interviews
- “How Important Are Foreign-Owned Businesses To The NH Economy?” Down to Business Podcast Episode 51, New Hampshire Business Review, February 24, 2021.
- “Selling New Hampshire to the world,” by Liisa Rajala. New Hampshire Business Review, January 29, 2021.
- “Pandemic shows risks in global trade; NH poised to bounce back,” by Jonathan Phelps. New Hampshire Union Leader, January 24, 2021.
- “Plymouth State offers dual communications degree,” Associated Press, November 21, 2020.
- “Foreign Investment Fuels NH Economy,” by Judi Currie. Business NH Magazine, May 19, 2020.
- “Foreign Direct Investment Strengthening New Hampshire’s Economy,” by Lori Ferguson. Plymouth Magazine, January 8, 2020.
- “An Economics Primer for University Planning,” by Robin DeRosa. Open Learning and Teaching Collaborative, November 23, 2019.
- “Forum on Foreign Direct Investment Explores Opportunities Globalization Brings to NH Economy,” New Hampshire Economic Development Blog, October 15, 2019.
- “Foreign investment in NH creates more than 43,000 jobs, PSU profs say,” by John Koziol. Business New Hampshire Magazine, October 14, 2019.
- “Upcoming Summit Looks at Foreign Direct Investment in New Hampshire,” New Hampshire Economic Development Blog, September 23, 2019.
- “New Hampshire Business Matters,” interview with the Deputy Director of New Hampshire Division of Economic Development on FM 107.7 WTPL. September 18, 2019.
- “Foreign firms have surprising presence in NH,” interview with Fred Kocher on WMUR-TV, April 8, 2018.
- “Tariffs Raise Concerns for NH Companies,” by Judi Currier. Business New Hampshire Magazine, December 20, 2018.
- “Foreign Firms a Growth Sector for NH,” by Judi Currier. Business New Hampshire Magazine, August 10, 2018
- “PSU Professors Release NH Foreign Direct Investment Report,” Plymouth Magazine, July 20, 2018.
- “New Hampshire Attracts Foreign Investment from 24 Nations,” US News and World Report, The Washington Times, March 29, 2018.
- “Report: Foreign-owned businesses a key New Hampshire employer,” by Liisa Rajala, New Hampshire Business Review, March 28, 2018.
- “PSU study: Globalization brings opportunity to NH,” by Bea Lewis, Union Leader, March 28, 2018.
- “New Hampshire a Promising Market for Foreign Direct Investment, According to Plymouth State University Research,” New Hampshire Economic Development Blog, March 28, 2018.
- “PSU professors work to map NH’s globalization”, by Michael Cousineau, New Hampshire Union Leader, December 25, 2016.
- “Survey seeks to weigh level of foreign investment in New Hampshire,” by Liisa Rajala, New Hampshire Business Review, December 12, 2016.
- “PSU launches ‘New Hampshire Economic Globalization Report: Contributions and Opportunities for the Local Economy” study,” The Record Enterprise, December 8, 2016.
- “Globalization and New Hampshire: Survey Looks at Contribution of International Trade to NH Economy,” New Hampshire Economic Development Blog, November 2016.
- “Meet Chen Wu,” Global PSU
- “University of Oklahoma’s Chinese Crosstalk program embraces cultural nuances,” interviewed by Li Lin, The Oklahoman, July 25, 2012.
- “Chinese Crosstalk at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History,” NEWSOK.COM, July2012.
Courses Taught
- BU5210 Economic Analysis
- EC5615 Global Economics
- EC2550 Macroeconomics
- EC2560 Microeconomics
- EC3520 Intermediate Microeconomics
- BU2240 Business Statistics
- EC2000 Survey of Modern Economics
- BU4910 IS: FDI and International Trade