Guide to the John W. and Anne H. Newton White Mountains Collection

Collection Summary

Repository: Museum of the White Mountains at Plymouth State University

Collection number: MWM2012.0001

Creator/ Collector: John W. Newton, Anne H. Newton

Collection title:  John W. and Anne H. Newton White Mountains Collection

Dates: 1808-2017 [bulk 1880-2012]

Extent: 103 boxes (42.92 linear feet), and 1 flat file drawer


The collection of John W. (Jack) and Anne H. Newton of South Natick, Massachusetts. Materials include complete or almost complete collections of various White Mountains-related publications, many early and first-edition books, pamphlets, trail guides, as well as articles, clippings, photographs, postcards, and other ephemera related to the White Mountains, New Hampshire, and New England.

Acquisition information

The papers were delivered to the MWM by the donor in six separate installments between 2012 and 2017. Each installment was accessioned separately and given a unique accession number (see accession files for more information). In 2018, materials from all six installments were rehoused and integrated to physically and intellectually conform to one arrangement scheme. For ease of use, one collection number is used to describe all materials: MWM2012.0001.

Language(s): Collection materials are in English

Processed by: Rebecca Enman, 2018

Rights and Access

Access restrictions:

Collection is open for research

Publication rights:

Copyright has not been assigned to the Museum of the White Mountains. It is the responsibility of the researcher to identify and obtain permission for any publication or proposed use beyond “fair use.”

Preferred citation:

John W. (Jack) and Anne H. Newton White Mountains Collection, 2012. Museum of the White Mountains, Plymouth State University.

Biographical Information

John “Jack” W. Newton, 1931-2017, was born in Hamburg, New York. Jack graduated in 1953 from Dartmouth College with a BA in Economics and an MBA from Dartmouth’s Amos Tuck School of Business in 1954. He served in the US Army from 1955-1957. Jack and his wife Anne were residents of South Natick, MA.

Jack first became acquainted with the White Mountains region as a college student. After entering the working world as a CPA in Boston, and later as a corporate financial officer, he stayed in New England, often visiting northern New Hampshire. In 1967, he and Anne acquired an old farmhouse property in the hamlet of Lost Nation, N.H., east of Lancaster, a town in which his wife’s maternal ancestors were early settlers in 1816. It was during this time they started seriously collecting White Mountain material.

Jack was a lifetime member of the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC); he served as the AMC Treasurer and was on the governing Council during the 1970s. In 1976 he was Chairman of the AMC’s 100th Year Centennial Celebration. He also served as a Trustee and Treasurer of the Mount Washington Observatory (MWOBS) for more than 15 years and was a Life Trustee of that organization.

In 2012, Jack and Anne donated their 6,000-volume collection of White Mountains-related books, maps, ephemera, and historical materials to the Museum of the White Mountains.

Scope and Content Note

The Newton White Mountains Collection is arranged in 103 boxes and one flat file drawer, and is a total of 60 linear feet (not including the book collection). The collection is organized into twelve series:

  1. Illustrated Pamphlets
  2. Tourist Guide Books and Pamphlets
  3. General Information and History
  4. Mount Washington/ Mount Washington Observatory
  5. Outdoor Recreation and Trail Clubs
  6. Appalachian Mountain Club
  7. White Mountain Maps
  8. New England, General
  9. Periodicals
  10. Photographs and Lithographs
  11. Postcards
  12. Books


Contents Listing

4.58 linear feet (11 boxes)

This series contains illustrated view books and pamphlets that showcase popular travel and lodging destinations in the White Mountains. Text is usually limited to short captions or descriptive paragraphs. These advertising materials contain scenic photographs or illustrations that highlight the beauty of the region and many of the materials were also used as tourist souvenirs. In most instances, materials in this series are arranged alphabetically.

SUBSERIES 1.1: Illustrated View Books

This subseries contains illustrated view books (drawings, photographs), tourist souvenir portfolios, and other illustrated tourism materials.

DescriptionBox #Folder#
America, Her Grandeur and Her Beauty: The White Mountains and Winnipesogee in NH, c. 1930OS Box 18
Birchbark Souvenir Views (2 copies)11
Early American Pictures booklet, c. 193012
Coolidge’s Souvenir Portfolio, c. 189013
Franconia Notch, White Mountains N.H. ; A view book of Nature’s Beauty Spot in the Switzerland of America, c. 1920 (3 copies)14
Gems of the Granite State, c. 1930 (2 copies)15
Gems of the Granite State, oversized, c. 1890OS Box 17
The Grandeur of the White Mountains, 190016
Indian Head and Shadow Lake, Franconia Notch NH (2 copies)17
Lakes and Summer Resorts in New Hampshire, 1891 (2 copies)18
Lakes and Summer Resorts in New Hampshire, 189219
Legends and Pictures of New Hampshire Lakes and Mountains, Illustrated, 1882110
Lincoln, Among the Mighty Mountains of New Hampshire111
New Hampshire (tourism booklet), 1942112
New Hampshire Farms Available for Summer Homes, 1905113
New Hampshire Farms for Summer Homes, 1902 (3 copies)114
New Hampshire Farms for Summer Homes, 1904215
New Hampshire Farms for Summer Homes, 1906, 1907 (1 copy each)216
New Hampshire Farms for Summer Homes, 1908 (2 copies)217
New Hampshire Farms for Summer Homes, 1909, 1910 (1 copy each)218
New Hampshire Farms for Summer Homes, 1913 (2 copies)219
New Hampshire, the Heart of Vacation Land, c. 1920 (2 copies)220
New Hampshire, the Land of Scenic Splendor, 1929 (2 copies)221
New Hampshire, the Land of Scenic Splendor, 1930 (2 copies)222
New Hampshire, the Land of Scenic Splendor, 1936 (2 copies)223
New Hampshire, the Land of Scenic Splendor, 1945224
Pen and Sunlight Sketches, 1882225
A Pictorial Souvenir Book of the White Mountains, c. 1950226
Picture Book of the White Mountains, 1950 (3 copies)327
Scenery of Dixville Notch, c. 1920328
Scenes and Prominent Hotels, 1903 (4 copies)329
Scenic Gems of the White Mountains plus original mailing envelope, c. 1890330
Scenic Gems of the White Mountains, undated (4 copies)331
Scenic Gems of the White Mountains, undated (2 copies)332
Souvenir Book of the White Mountains (black, green, blue covers), c. 1915              (3 copies)333
Souvenir View Book of the White Mountains, c. 1920 (3 copies)334
Souvenir View Book of the White Mountains, c. 1930 (3 copies)335
Souvenir View Book of the White Mountains, c. 1930 (3 copies)436
Souvenir View Book of the White Mountains, undated (5 copies)437
Views of the White Mountains, 1902438
Views of the White Mountains, 1904 (2 copies), 1908 (2 copies)439
Views of the White Mountains, 1912 (2 copies)440
Views of the White Mountains with Descriptive Text, 1912, 1917, 1920 (4 copies)441
Views of the White Mountains with Descriptive Text, 1921 (2 copies)442
Vistas on the C&M [Concord and Montreal Railroad], 1892 (2 copies)443
The White Mountains Illustrated, 1890 (1 copy)444
The White Mountains of New Hampshire, 1933 (3 copies), 1940 (1 copy)545
The White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Land of Scenic Splendor, c. 1930       (4 copies)546
The White Mountains of New Hampshire, Land of Scenic Splendor, c. 1930             (3 copies)547
The White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Switzerland of America, c. 1920       (6 copies)548
The White Mountains Region of New Hampshire, 1940, 1946549
With Pen and Camera thro’ the White Mountains 1896 (2 copies)550
With Pen and Camera thro’ the White Mountains 1896 (2 copies)551
With Pen and Camera thro’ the White Mountains 1904 (1 copy), 1908 (2 copies)552

SUBSERIES 1.2: Souvenir Folders and Photo Sets

This subseries contains souvenir or pictorial folders (mailing envelopes containing accordion or booklet style foldout photos), souvenir postcard sets, and miniature sets of White Mountain images.

Souvenir Folder of Bretton Woods, 1915 (2 copies)653
Souvenir Folder of Crawford Notch, c. 1915654
Souvenir Folder of Franconia Notch (1 copy); Flume Gorge Reservation                      (1 copy), c. 1915655
Souvenir Folder of Mt. Washington, c. 1915 (5 copies)656
Souvenir Folder of Mt. Washington, c. 1965 (3 copies)657
Mt. Washington Mini Souvenir Folder, c. 1970658
Mt. Washington Cog Railway, 20 View Color Print Pak, c. 1970 ( 2 copies)659
Souvenir Folder of the White Mountains, c. 1915 (5 copies)660
Souvenir Folder of the White Mountains, c. 1965 (2 copies)661
Miniature Souvenir Folder of the White Mountains, c. 1916 (2 copies)662
Souvenir Letter, Plymouth NH663
Souvenir of the White Mountains, miniature postcards in envelope664
Souvenir Views, White Mountains, (set of loose images in mailing box), (6 copies)665
Miniature Souvenir Color View albums, c. 1970 (5 copies); White Mountains, covered bridges, Franconia Notch666
Misc. White Mountain views (loose pages from souvenir folders)667
Charles Pollock: 4 bound books containing a collection of photograves and  descriptions: White Mountains, Franconia Mountains, Mount Washington, 1892; White and Franconia Mountains, 18966n/a

SUBSERIES 1.3: Bound View Books

This subseries containsbound illustrated books and booklets of White Mountain Views. Includes Sweetser’s “Views in the White Mountains Series” and information about that series.

Album of the White Mountains; Franconia Notch, Crawford Notch, N.H.7n/a
White Mountains (4 copies, different colored covers7n/a
Souvenir of the White Mountains (2 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
Views of the White Mountains by F.G. Weller, c. 18807n/a
Beauties of the White Mountains (3 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
North Conway, Jackson, Bartlett, Jackson &Vicinity (2 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
Souvenir of the White Mountains, 25 Views (11 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
Views of Bethlehem and Vicinity7n/a
White and Franconia Mountains (5 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
White Mountains Illustrated7n/a
White Mountain Glimpses7n/a
New Album of White Mountain Views (4 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
Picturesque New Hampshire (3 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
White Mountains Souvenir (2 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
Gems of American Scenery Consisting of Stereoscopic Views with Descriptive Text7n/a
White Mountain Scenery (3 copies, different colored covers)7n/a
Historical New Hampshire summer/ fall 1981, “Moses Foster Sweetser’s Views of in the White Mountains,” article written by David Tatham8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1893, 3rd edition8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1896, 5th   edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1896, 5th           edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1898, 6th     edition revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1902, 7th    edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1903, 8th    edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1905, 8th   edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1907, 9th    edition revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1911, 10th edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser,, 1912, 11th edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1913, 12th edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1914, 13th edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1915, 14th edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1916, 15th edition, revised8n/a
Views in the White Mountains With Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, 1917, 16th edition, revised8n/a
White Mountain Scenery with Description by M.F. Sweetser8n/a
Souvenir of the White Mountains with Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser8n/a
White Mountain Scenery with Descriptions by M.F. Sweetser, paper pamphlet, c. 1884868

SUBSERIES 1.4: Railroad Tourist Booklets

This subseries contains tourist guides and pamphlets published by Boston and Lowell Railroad,Boston and Maine Railroad, Concord and Montreal Railroad, and Maine Central Railroad. Materials are organized alphabetically by railroad.

Boston and Lowell RR guides, 1885 – 1887969
Boston and Maine RR advertisement printed in Granite State Monthly, 1898970
Boston and Maine RR, misc. pamphlets971
Boston and Maine RR, White Mountains of New Hampshire, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1917, 1917 (4 copies)972
Boston and Maine RR, Tourist’s Descriptive Guide to the White and Franconia Mountains, 1870973
Boston and Maine RR illustrated brochures, 1897-1906974
Boston and Maine RR, the White Mountains Region Illustrated Guide, M.F. Sweetser, 1890 (2 copies), 1891 (2 copies)975
Boston and Maine RR, Snow Trains, 1931 -1951976
Boston and Maine RR, Summer Excursions to the White Mountains, Mt. Desert, Montreal and Quebec, 1892977
Boston and Maine RR, Southwestern New Hampshire guide, 1891978
Boston and Maine RR, New England Vacation Resorts, 1908979
Boston and Maine RR, Along New England Shores, 19171080
Boston and Maine RR, Here and There in New England and Canada, 18891081
Boston and Maine RR, Down East Latch Strings, or Seashore, Lakes, and Mountains, 18871082
Boston and Maine RR New England guides (3 copies)1083
Boston and Maine RR New England guides (3 copies)1084
Boston and Maine RR New England guides (3 copies)1085
Boston and Maine RR New England guides (2 copies)1086
Boston and Maine RR guides, Maine1087
Concord and Montreal RR, Summer Outings in the Old Granite State, 18901188
Maine Central RR, White Mountains souvenir booklets, 1889, 18931189
Maine Central RR, misc. White Mountains pamphlets1190
Maine Central RR, Gems of the Northland illustrated guide, 18911191
Maine Central RR, misc. Maine pamphlets1192
Maine Central RR oversized brochure, 1897OS Box 110
Boston, Concord, Montreal, and White Mountains Railroads, issued by. White and Franconia Mountains, 1883, 18841193
Boston, Concord, Montreal and White Mountains Railroads, The Mountains and How to Reach Them, newspaper format,  18801194
White and Franconia Mountains tourist guide in newspaper format with railroad map and information, 18781195
General RR publications (US Railroad Association)1196





This series contains tourist guide books and pamphlets that describe railroad travel, popular tourist attractions, town and village information, and popular lodging sites, primarily in the White Mountains, but also in New Hampshire and New England.

2.08 linear feet (5 boxes)




Chisholm’s White Mountain Guides, 1880, 1893,1895, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1911, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917



Ticknor’s White Mountains, 1884, 1886, 1887, 1888



Eastman’s White Mountain Guide, 1858, 1859, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1869, 18970, 1872, 1875, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1880



Sweetser’s White Mountain Guide, 1890-1894, 1896, 1918 [Nelson revision to Sweetser’s guide]



Osgood’s White Mountains, 1879, 1881, 1880



Appleton’s Northern and Eastern Traveller’s Guide, 1854



Bradlee’s: Complete Guide for the Use of Traveller’s to the White Mountains, 1857



Bradlee’s Pocket  Guide to the White Mountains and Lake Memphremagog with Maps, 1862



Burt’s Illustrated Guide of the Connecticut Valley, 1866, 1868



Frank O. Carpenter: The Franconia Notch and the Pemigewasset Valley, 1898



Guide and Historical Relics of the White Mountains, John H. Spaulding, 1850s



Jordan and Wiley: The White Mountain and Winnepissiogee Lake Guide Book, 1846



Keyes’ Handbook of Northern Pleasure Travel to the White and Franconia Mountains, 1873, 1874, 1875



Snow’s Handbook of Northern Pleasure Travel, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1882



Switzerland of America: Complete Guide to the White Mountains and Other New Hampshire Scenery, 1875, 1878



Taintor’s Route and City Guides; The Northern Route: Boston to the White Mountains, Lake Memphremagog, Green Mountains, Lake Champlain, Missisquoi Springs; Montreal and Ogdensburg Railroad, 1872



Thursty McQuill [Bruce Wallace, 1844-1914]: The Connecticut by Daylight, 1874



Thursty McQuill [Bruce Wallace, 1844-1914]: The White and Green Mountains and Routes Thereto, 1872



Tripp and Osgood: Tripp’s The White Mountain Guide Book, 1851, 1853



Among the White Mountains, 1879, 1882, 1883, 1884



A Guide to Bristol, Newfound Lake, and the Towns in the Smiths River Valley, 1883



Lakes Region of New Hampshire guide, published by the Lakes Region Association, c. 1930



In the White Mountains of New Hampshire, edited by G & L Rosebrook, c. 1933 (2 copies)



The Picturesque Land, R.M. Browne, 1935



With Abe in the Tall Timber, 1942



White Mountain guides and advertising, c. 1940- c.1975



White Mountain recreation guides, c. 1930- c. 1960



General New Hampshire guides, c. 1940- c. 1950



New Hampshire by Motor, 1929-1930



New Hampshire in Miniature, 1951-1952



New Hampshire general recreation guides, c. 1950-2012



NH Division of Parks and Recreation, general guides to historic places and attractions, c. 1990s



Outdoors in New England, 1909



NH pocket series, Frances A. Johnson, guides to historic sites in the White Mountains, c. 1953






7.50 linear feet (18 boxes)

This series contains articles, newspaper clippings, brochures, and other ephemera that describes the history of the White Mountains or provides general information about the region.  Topics contained in this series include: early travel to the White Mountains, disasters and tragedies, hotels and other lodging accommodation, prominent people, town attraction and history, short stories/ poems/other literature, transportation, industry, logging, geology, nature, and White Mountain art. This series also contains materials about the Weeks Act/ Weeks Act Centennial, Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF), the formation and early days of the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF), the Old Man of the Mountains, Franconia Notch, and Crawford Notch.

Accounts of the WMs: Dr. B.L. Ball, “Three Days in the White Mountains.” 3 editions printed in 1856, 1877, 200217112
Accounts of the WM’s: William B. Swett, “Adventures of a Deaf Mute,” 1869, 1874 (3 copies)17113
Accounts of the WMs: “A Season in the White Mountains” Granite State Monthly, 185717114
Accounts of the WMs: “Henry Pickering’s Account of the White Family: A Trip to the White Mountains in 1840”17115
Accounts of the WMs, 1808-1915: Alden Partridge, “Excursions to the White Mountains,” 1811-1824; Thomas Starr King, “Excursion to Mount Hayes” 1857; J.F. Frisbie, “Mount Washington, a Tramp through Tuckerman’s Ravine to the Summit and a Tramp Down the Bridal Path from the Summit to Crawford’s” 1885; Charlotte Endicott Wilde, Two Journey’s by Chaise to the White Mountains in 1808 and 1809”; Elizabeth M. Gould, “How We Did It: Walking Tour of the White Mountains in 1872”; Frank H. Taylor, “Away Down East: My Unexpected Vacation” 1882; Samuel Johnson, “ Journal of a Tour to the White Mountains” 1842; Mary Jane Thomas, “Reminiscences of the White Mountains” 1831; “Early Visits to the White Mountains and Ascents of the Great Range,” reprinted from Appalachia, 1921; Walter F. Starbuck, “The White Mountains in September” 191517116
Accounts of the WMs: Miriam Underhill , “Climbing the Four-Thousand Footers in Winter” 1967; Florence Sutherland, “White Mountains Adventure: A Memoir” 197817117
Accounts of the WMs: “Glencliff to Gorham; an Early Cross-Country Adventure with the League for Leaner Loins,” as described by Leon Keach, 1983 [trip described took place in 1927]; “Butterflies and Trout, Annie Trumbull Slosson and W.C. Prime in Franconia,” article about an 1860s trip to the White Mountains17118
Accounts of the WMs: Articles re: Thoreau’s trips (took place in 1858); “Exploring the White Mountains a Hundred Years Ago,” 1972; Annotated bibliography, 1918-194717119
Disasters and tragedies: newspaper clippings17120
Disasters and tragedies: Cherry Mountain Slide, 188517121
Disasters and tragedies: Willey family, 182617122
Hotels: A thru B – Adair Country Inn and Restaurant, The Ammonoosuc Inn, Applebrook Bed & Breakfast, Agassiz Hotel, Arlington Hotel, Bald Peak Colony Club, Breezy Point House18123
Hotels: The BALSAMS, promotional materials and pamphlets, 1896-201218124
Hotels: The BALSAMS, misc. clippings, note cards, 2011/ 2012 room rates, hotel activities, 2000-201218125
Hotels: C – Carter Notch Inn, Chocorua Peak House, Cloverdale Cottage, Coos Motor Inn, Crawford House, Cross Country Motel,18126
Hotels: D thru F – The Darling Inn, Deer Park Hotel, Eagle Mountain House, Eastern Slope Inn, Edgehill Inn, Forest Glen Inn, Forest Hills Hotel and Bungalow Colony18127
Hotels: G thru H – The Glen, the Glen House, Governor Estates on lake Winnipesaukee, Grand View Lodge and Cabins, Gray’s Inn,18128
Hotels: I thru L – Indian Head, The Intervale House, Jefferson Inn, Kearsarge Hall, Kearsarge Summit House The Lancaster Inn, Lincoln Hotel18129
Hotels: M – Maplewood, Marshfield House, Metallak Hotel, Mittersill, The Mount Adams House, Mount Madison House, Mount Mansfield Hotel, Mount Pleasant House, Mountain View House18130
Hotels: Mt. Crescent House18131
Hotels: Mount Washington Hotel, 1902-195019132
Hotels: Mount Washington Hotel, 1980-201019133
Hotels: Mountain View House/ Grand19134
Hotels: N – The Notchland Inn, The New England Inn, New Willoughby Hotel19135
Hotels: P – The Parson’s Farm, Peckett’s on Sugar Hill, Pemigewasset House, Pendexter Mansion, Philbrook Farm Inn, The Piper House, Profile House19136
Hotels: Profile House19137
Hotels: R – Rabbit Hill Inn, Hotel Randall, The Robbin’s Nest, Russells19138
Hotels: Ravine House19139
Hotels: S-T – The Sinclair Hotel, Sorgenfrei, Spalding Inn, The Spooner Farm House, St. Clair’s Trout Pools and Overnight Cabins, Mt. Stinson House, Stonehurst, Storybook Motor Inn, Sugar Hill Inn, The Sunset Inn, Sunset Hill House, Thorn Hill Lodge, Tyrol, Twin Mountain House19140
Hotels: W – The Wilson Cottages, Waterville Inn, Wentworth Hall and Cottages, The Wayside Inn and Riverview Cottages, Westshore Lodge, Wilderness Cabins, Whitney’s, Woodstock Inn (VT)20141
Hotels: Waumbek Hotel and Cottages20142
Hotels: American Alps and Other Summer Haunts and Winter Retreats, published by Maine Central RR (listing of overnight accommodation), 1889, 1894, 1895, 189820143
Hotels: Kingdon’s Dictionary of the White Mountains and other New England Summer Resorts, 189420144
Hotels: New England Great Resorts; Leading Winter Resorts. Compliments of Crawford and Fabyan House, 189320145
Hotels: Summer Haunts and Winter Retreats. Distributed by White Mountain Echo. 1889, 1890, c. 189020146
Hotels: White Mountain hotel guides, c. 1920-193020147
Hotels: White Mountain hotel guides, 1940-196020148
Hotels: misc. clippings and articles20n/a
Hotels: misc. books and publications21149
Native Americans: Chocorua22150
Native Americans: Mettalak22151
Native Americans: Wonalancet22152
Native Americans: “Captain John Lovwell’s Great Fight with the Indians at Pequawket, 172522153
Native Americans: General articles22n/a
Native Americans: misc. books22154
Notable People: Anderson, Leon “Andy”22155
Notable People: Belcher, C. Francis22156
Notable People: Bemis, Dr. Samuel22157
Notable People: Bond, William Cranch22158
Notable People: Boothman, May, Becky, and Belle23159
Notable People: Carrigain, Philip23160
Notable People: Copp, Dolly23161
Notable People: Crawford, Lucy23162
Notable People: Cross, Leroy D.23163
Notable People: Holbrook, Stewart H.23164
Notable People: King, Thomas Starr23165
Notable People: Leavitt, Franklin23166
Notable People: Limmer, Peter and Sons23167
Notable People: Lowe, Thaddeus S.C.23168
Notable People: Merrill, John, “the Philosopher of the Pool”23169
Notable People: Plummer, Joseph, also called “the Hermit of Meredith Hill”23170
Notable People: Preston, Frederic Bowden23171
Notable People: Shorey, Guy L.23172
Notable People: Viles, John A., also called “English Jack”23173
Notable People: Miscellaneous obituaries, clippings, articles; includes, Charles Earnest Fay, John Burroughs, Milton, “Red Mac” McGregor, John Gutowski, Emily Klug, Mary and Bruce Sloat, Harry McDade, Robert Pike, Marie Joseph Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier (marquis  de Lafayette), Tudor Richards – the “Father of Pondicherry”; Laban M. Watson; Darby Field, Thomas S. Deans; Russell B. Tobey23174
Notable People: Miscellaneous obituaries from OH Association23175
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Bartlett, NH24176
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Berlin, NH24177
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Berlin, NH – Brown Paper Company24178
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Bethlehem, NH24179
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Campton, NH24180
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Colebrook, NH24181
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Conway, NH24182
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Gorham, NH24183
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Haverhill, NH24184
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Intervale, NH24185
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Jackson, NH24186
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Lancaster, NH24187
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Lincoln, NH 188
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Lisbon, NH24189
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Littleton, NH24190
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Plymouth, NH24191
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Randolph, NH24192
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Randolph cont.: Randolph anniversary celebrations24193
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Sandwich, NH24194
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Stark, NH24195
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Stewartstown, NH24a196
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Stratford, NH24a197
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Coos County Democrat, Stratford Bicentennial issue, 1973OS Box 1 
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Tamworth, NH24a198
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Waterville Valley, NH24a199
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Wentworth, NH24a200
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Whitefield, NH24a201
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Woodstock, NH24a202
Bound town booklets, misc.24an/a
Town attractions, history, and miscellaneous: Belknap and Grafton counties25203
Town Attractions: North Country Council, Inc. Annual Report, 197825204
Town Attractions: New Hampshire and its Business Opportunities, 190925205
Name Origins: the Presidential Range; the notches, Kearsarge Mountain25206
Stories: “Tales of the White Hills,” Nathaniel Hawthorne (2 copies; 1889 and undated]25207
Stories: “The Great Stone Face” Nathaniel Hawthorne,25208
Stories: A Book for New Hampshire Children, in Familiar Letters from a Father, 1830; New Hampshire Pilgrimages: Armchair Journey’s through Fact and Legend of the Granite State, undated; A Collection of New Hampshire Stories, Mary S. Peterson, 1971; The Story of the Tragedy of Nancy’s Brook and the Willey House Slide, Maine Central Railroad; Elephant Tale, Miriam Underwood, 1965; A Voice From the Mountains, poem, printed on birch bark c. 1895; Tales for a New England Night, Kenneth MacIver and William Thomson, 1980; Echoes of Old New England, Kenneth MacIver and William Thomson, 1982; I Remember, Short, Short, True Stories of the North Country, Wilbur M. Schurman, 1974; How the White Mountains Were Born, E. Ervin Raether25209  
Poetry and Songs: White Mountain Vistas: The Saco Valley, illustrations by F.   
     Schuyler Matthews, 1889; White Mountain Vistas: The Pemigewasset Valley;
     illustrated by F. Schuyler Matthews, c. 1895; Nature’s Haunts in the White
     Mountains, c. 1890; Songs of the North Country, Sylvia Tryon, 1932
Transportation: Concord Coaches26211
Transportation: Covered bridges in New Hampshire and Maine26212
Transportation: General History26213
Transportation: Turnpikes and Roads26214
Transportation: Railroads, general26215
Transportation: Rail Line Maps, c. 1850 – 190026216
Transportation: Railroad Timetables, 1884, c. 190026217
Transportation: Waumbeck Railroad Junction26218
Transportation: Boston and Maine RR snow train information26219
Transportation: Boston and Maine Rail Road Bulletin, North Country Issue, summer 197626220
Transportation: Snowmachine and Lombard26221
Transportation: A Century of Railroading in Crawford Notch, Edwin B. Robertson and Benjamin W. English, Jr., 1975 (2 copies), 1981, 1985, 1987 (1993 reprint), 199626n/a
Industry: Water Power and conservation26222
Industry: Dairy in NH26223
Industry: Enterprise of the North Country of NH (Newcomen Society)26224
Logging: Railroads of the White Mountains26225
Logging: Maps of the White Mountains, c. 192526226
Logging: White Mountains logging history, clippings and articles26227
Logging: JE Henry26228
Logging: Perley Hurd26229
Logging: Jigger Johnson26230
Logging: NH forest facts and logging guidelines, c. 1970s26231
Logging: Yankee Loggers; A Recollection of Woodsmen, Cooks, and River Drivers, Stewart H. Holbrook, 196127n/a
Logging: Wooden Dollars; A Report on the Forest Resources of New England, Their Condition, Economic Significance and Potentialities, Henry I. Baldwin, 194927n/a
Weeks Act: John Wingate Weeks (1860-1926)27232
Weeks Act: WA (1911) and White Mountain National Forest history27233
Weeks Act: bibliography27234
Weeks Act: Centennial activities and events27235
Weeks Act: Centennial – Plymouth State University27236
Weeks Act Centennial, news clippings27237
Weeks: Law Centennial Legacy27238
Weeks State Park Association27239
SPNHF: Origins of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF) and the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF); includes “The Boa Constrictor of the White Mountains” article27240
SPNHF: A New Hampshire Everlasting and Unfallen; an Illustrated History by Paul E. Bruins of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, 196927241
WMNF: “The White Mountain National Forest” – Herbert A. Smith, Sieur de Monts Publications, 191727242
WMNF: Vacation on the White Mountain National Forest booklet, 1920 (1 copy)28243
WMNF: National Forest Vacations booklets, 1955, 1960, 196828244
WMNF: Backpacking in the National Forest Wilderness, 196328245
WMNF: Your Hike in the WMNF, 197628246
WMNF: handouts, c. 197028247
WMNF: map/ brochures, 1925, 1931, 1941, 1965, 196728248
WMNF: maps, 1930, 1938, 194028249
WMNF: maps, 1963, 1974, 1980, 1984, undated28250
WMNF: Alpine Garden brochures28251
WMNF: Dolly Copp Campground brochures28252
WMNF: Great Gulf Wilderness Area brochures28253
WMNF: Pinkham Notch brochures28254
WMNF: Kancamagus Highway brochures28255
WMNF: Tuckerman Ravine brochures28256
WMNF: Scenic Areas brochures28257
WMNF: publications – WMNF Review, 1969; Facts About Region 7, 1961-6228258
WMNF Land Management newsletter, 1978; Forest Service Planning Effort, 198028259
WMNF: Loon Mountain expansion proposal28260
WMNF: other28261
WMNF: USDA Forest Service land management planning, 1971-198629n/a
WMNF: USDA Forest Service, permitting: AMC huts system, 1997-1999; Environmental Impact statement for permitting AMC Huts System and Pinkham Notch Visitor’s Center, 1998, 1999; Presidential Unit Plan and Environmental Statement (draft ad final), 1978, 1979; Guide for Managing the National Forests in New England (2 copies), 1978; Long-term Trends for Ecosystem Research at Hubbard Brook Environmental Forest; 200730n/a
Old Man of the Mountain: “The Story of the Great Stone Face,” Nathaniel Hawthorne (5 copies) c. 197031262
Old Man of the Mountain: fictional accounts, 1893-193831263
Old Man of the Mountain: Old Man of the White Mountain, a waltz song [music], by Frances Ann Johnson, 192631264
Old Man of the Mountain: Birthday party for the Old Man program, 195531265
Old Man of the Mountain: “Old Man of the Mountain,” Robert Hutchinson, 200331266
Old Man of the Mountain: Views of the Old Man (lithographs, notecards, illustrations, etc.)31267
Old Man of the Mountain: Newspaper and article clippings31268
Old Man of the Mountain: Old Man stamps31269
Old Man of the Mountain: Use of the Old Man in advertisements, etc.31270
Old Man of the Mountain: Old Man of the Mountain profile plaza pamphlets31271
Old Man of the Mountain: Old Man geology – preserving the Great Stone Face31272
Old Man of the Mountain: Clippings – when the Old Man fell, 200331273
Old Man of the Mountain: Old Man memorial efforts31274
Old Man of the Mountain: Other rock profiles in New Hampshire31275
Franconia Notch: Acquisition/ Save the Notch campaign, 1927-192932276
Franconia Notch: guides, 1920-193532277
Franconia Notch: newspapers, 1974, 198832278
Franconia Notch: Interstate 93 planning materials, 197532279
Franconia Notch: clippings, correspondence, articles re: Interstate 93, 1963-197532280
Franconia Notch: State Park plan, 197732281
Franconia Notch: guides and scenery books32282
Franconia Notch: pamphlets published by Society for the Protection of NH Forests32283
Franconia Notch: pamphlets32284
Franconia Notch: articles and clippings32285
Franconia Notch: Cannon Mountain/ Aerial Tramway32286
Franconia Notch: Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway32287
Franconia Notch: Flume Reservation guides32288
Franconia Notch: Flume Gorge pamphlets32289
Franconia Notch: Flume Gorge boulder32290
Crawford Notch: guides and background, 1945- c. 196033291
Crawford Notch: State Park pamphlets33292
Crawford Notch: clippings and articles33293
Crawford Path: information, 1969, 199433294
Nature: geology clippings and articles, 1939-200533295
Nature: The Geology (Geologic) Story pamphlets, 194933296
Nature: Animal and bird species of NH and New England33297
Nature: Forests, flowers, and vegetation of the White Mountains, 1940-199333298
Nature: NH Natural Heritage biodiversity brochures, 200933299
Nature: Plants of the Presidential Range series, reprinted from Appalachia, 194033300
Nature: weather, 1936, 198333301
Nature: NH environmental protection/ climate change, 1998-200233302
WM Art: exhibition catalogs, 1965-201233303
WM Art: artist signatures [Sanford Robinson Gifford, William Hamilton Gibson)34304
WM Art: misc. art newsletters, articles and brochures, 1955-201234305
NH State Parks misc. 1985, 198934306
Calendars, 1972, 198434307
Bretton Woods Boys Choir, 1910-c. 197034308
Forest management, fire34309
White Mountain Museum, overview of the idea34310
Jack Newton correspondence and research notes, 1974-198034311

2.50 linear feet (6 boxes)

This series contains articles, clippings, tourist guides, and other advertising materials related to the highest peak in the northeastern United States, Mount Washington, and the related businesses that are operated there. This includes the Mount Washington Carriage Road/ Auto Road, Mount Washington Cog Railway, the Summit House, and Tip Top House. This series also contains information about the Mount Washington Observatory (MWOBS), including, MWOBS summit buildings, climate data, long range planning, and membership/ fundraising materials.

DescriptionBox #Folder #
Among the Clouds: Principal points seen from the Summit, 190335312
Summit House Hotel, Tip Top House, Mt. Washington Club35313
Electric trolley plan of 191035314
Images of Mt. Washington [oversized postcards, lithograph prints, etc.]35315
“Spirit of Mount Washington” poem, Margaret I. Simpson, undated35316
Summit weather, 1854, 198435317
Winter on Mount Washington, published by MWOBS, 1956, 1959, 1963, 1964, 1966, 197035318
Summit buildings – general35319
Summit maps and land ownership history, 1940-200835320
Mount Washington guide, published by MWOBS, 1962 (2 copies)35321
Mount Washington Daily news, information and photocopies of the complete set, 194035322
Plants of Mt. Washington and the Presidential Range, includes booklet of pressed flowers from the summit, 190535323
Mount Washington Study Committee reports, 195335324
Mount Washington 10 year Master Plan, Commission report, 1969-197035325
Visitors to Mt. Washington – Characteristics and Opinions, William F. Henry report, 196735326
Early articles: Mt. Washington in winter, 1860-189736327
Mount Washington Handbook for Travelers, Frank H. Burt, 1904 (2 copies)36328
Mount Washington Handbook for Travelers, Frank H. Burt, 1906 (2copies), 190736329
Clippings: Secrets of Mt. Washington, F. Allen Burt, printed in the Boston Globe, 195836330
Miscellaneous clippings and articles36331
Mt. Washington Souvenirs, 1970-198236332
Mount Washington in Winter, 1870-71 (2 copies)36n/a
Auto Road: newspaper clippings37333
Auto Road: environment/ natural life37334
Auto Road: centennial materials, 196137335
Auto Road: booklets, 1920-197037336
Auto Road: promotional pamphlets, 1931-201637337
Auto Road: driving instructions and bumper sticker37338
Auto Road: Climb to the Clouds materials, 1992-199537339
Auto Road: Climb to the Clouds periodical, 1994-1997, 1999, 200137340
Auto Road: Newcomen Society dinner in honor of the Mt. Washington Summit Rd. Company materials, 198237341
Auto Road: miscellaneous materials and background, 1941-198237342
Auto Road: Splash Pan periodical, 1961 (issue celebrating centennial of Ascent to the Clouds), 196937343
Cog Railway: hearings, 189138344
Cog Railway: clippings38345
Cog Railway: train schedules and ticket, 1925-196338346
Cog Railway: miscellaneous38347
Cog Railway: “Old Peppersass”38348
Cog Railway: ski train to Tuckerman’s Ravine, 198738349
Cog Railway: iconography38350
Cog Railway: safety information and materials38351
Cog Railway: booklets, 1930-197238352
Cog Railway: promotional pamphlets, 1912-c.200038353
Cog Railway: 125th anniversary materials, 199438354
Cog Railway: misc. books38n/a
MWOBS: general, 1938-200739355
MWOBS: Robert S. Monahan, cofounder, 1907-199439356
MWOBS: fundraising campaign, 197739357
MWOBS: fundraising correspondence, 199939358
MWOBS: events, 1979-200839359
MWOBS: publications and printed materials, 1954-200039360
MWOBS: News Bulletin, 1937-1959, plus index39361
MWOBS: Long Range Plan of the MWOBS, 1995-200039362
MWOBS: 2002-2003 Trustees Manual39363
MWOBS: promotional pamphlets, 1978-200040364
MWOBS: membership materials, 1986-c. 200040n/a
MWOBS: Martel illustrations, 197140365
MWOBS: clippings and articles – staff and life at the Observatory, 1974-200940366
MWOBS: staff obituaries, 1979-200940367
MWOBS: Mount Washington Museum, 1979-198040368
MWOBS: “The Big Wind,” 1934-201040369
MWOBS: weather recordings, 193440370
MWOBS: weather accounts, 1934-200540371
MWOBS: climatological data, 1978-198040372
MWOBS: “Big Wind” historical marker40373
MWOBS: 50th anniversary of wind record, 198440374
MWOBS: Symposium for Art and Climate materials, 200740375
MWOBS: related correspondence, 1989-199440376
MWOBS: posters, 199340n/a
MWOBS: World’s Worst Weather membership canCarton Box 1n/a

1.67 linear feet (4 boxes)

This series contains articles, clippings, and information about White Mountain trails and trail development, hiking guides, recreation guides, and skiing information and history. Trail clubs and organizations included in this series are: Appalachian Trail Conference (now the Appalachian Trail Conservancy), Chatham Trails Association, Chocorua Mountain Club, Dartmouth Outing Club, New England Trail Conference, Randolph Mountain Club, Shelburne Trails Club, and the Wonalancet Outdoor Club.

DescriptionBox #Folder #
Clippings: White Mountain expeditions, Tuckerman’s Ravine, misc., 1880-201541377
White Mountain Trail Development, 1840-1980, Guy Waterman41378
NH Forest Recreation guide, summer 1939 (4 copies)41379
A Brief History: The Evolution of Tramping the White Mountains, George T. Hamilton, 199541380
A Study of the Appalachian Trail in New Hampshire, George Macinko, 197141381
White Mountain map and hiking guide, 1964, 196541382
Tramping guides, 1882-193841383
Great Gulf trail clippings, 190941384
Checklist of NH Mountain Summits, published by SPNHF, c. 1939 (5 copies)41385
White Mountain vacation and outdoor recreation guides, 1956-198341386
NH camping guides, 1964-197241387
NH State Park guides, 1948-198641388
White Mountain hikes booklets, c. 200941389
Ski jumping materials, 1926-201741390
NH skiing materials, 1938-201541391
Hans Schneider Master Cup Race programs, 2003-201742392
New England Ski Museum materials42393
Skiing Tuckerman’s Ravine clippings and accounts42394
Ski trails, Pinkham Notch42395
Appalachian Trail Conference, 1916-197342396
Chatham Trails Association, 198742397
Chocorua Mountain Club, 192542398
Dartmouth Outing Club publications and history, 1862-200442399
Dartmouth Outing Club clippings and articles, 1948-200742400
Dartmouth Outing Club – Moosilauke/ Moosilauke Ravine Camp,43401
Dartmouth Outing Club maps, 1928-197843402
Dartmouth Outing Club, Dartmouth Out O’ Doors, edited by Fred H. Harris, 191343403
Dartmouth Outing Club, Dartmouth Out-O-Doors, 193443404
Dartmouth Outing Club, Dartmouth Out-O-Doors, 193543405
Dartmouth Outing Club, Dartmouth Out-O-Doors, 193643406
Dartmouth Outing Club, Dartmouth Out-O-Doors, 1937, 193843407
Dartmouth Outing Club, Dartmouth Out-O-Doors, 1939, 194043408
Dartmouth Outing Club, trail guide, 1968; handbook, c.1916-193243409
New England Trail Conference, 1921-193644410
Randolph Mountain Club general materials, 1913-201044411
Randolph Mountain Club Paths, 1917, 1931, 1934 (supplement), 44412
Randolph Mountain Club List of Members, 1932, 193544413
Randolph Mountain Club List of Trails, 1944, 196444414
Randolph Mountain Club Paths, Trails, and Camps, 1927, 192944415
Randolph Mountain Club, Coldbrook Camp, 192744416
Shelburne Trails Club, c. 201044417
Wonalancet Outdoor Club maps and guides, 1908-200744418
Trails and Peaks of the Presidential Range of the White Mountains, Henry Bradford Washburn, Jr, 1922 ( 2 copies)44419
Walking Guide to the Mt. Washington Range, W.H. Pickering, 188244420
Trails and Summits of the White Mountains, Walter Collins O’Kane, 192544421
Misc. hiking books44n/a

5 linear feet (12 boxes)

This series contains materials related to the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), which was established in 1876 to explore and preserve the White Mountains, and is the oldest outdoor group in the United States. Included in this series are administrative (fundraising, membership, and financial) materials collected by Newton while he served as AMC Treasurer, governing council member, chairman of the Centennial Committee, and later as a Life Trustee of the organization. This series also contains information about the history of the AMC, AMC huts and other properties, maps, and AMC guidebooks.

DescriptionBox #Folder #
AMC: history, 1916-201245422
AMC: membership cards, 1945-197445423
AMC: Centennial Committee materials, 197645424
AMC: Centennial publications, 197645425
AMC: Joe Dodge, 1928-201245426
AMC: meetings, 1918-200145427
AMC: financial, 1974, 198945428
AMC: leadership guides, 1976-197745429
AMC: articles, miscellaneous, 1963-200845430
AMC: 4000 Footer Club45431
AMC: Jack Newton AMC Presidential nomination, 197645432
AMC: supplements to the AMC White Mountain guides, 1907-199245433
AMC: Suggestions for Walking Trips in the White Mountains pamphlets, 1932 (3 copies)46434
AMC: Guide to Jackson, NH, Ralph C. Larrabee, 191746435
AMC: manuals and pamphlets, 1908-194646436
AMC: pamphlets, 1966- c. 200046437
AMC: brochures, 1936- c.199046438
AMC: excursions, 1882-198946439
AMC: trails, 1900- c.196546440
AMC: mountaineering, 196646441
AMC: calendar, 197046442
AMC: “Did You Know” poster, 195646n/a
AMC: trip leader info from August Camp to Northwest, 197047443
AMC: properties – 5 Joy Street, Boston, 192247444
AMC: properties – The Reservations of the AMC, 1913, 1921, 195647445
AMC: properties – Cardigan Lodge, 1960-200947446
AMC: properties – Cold River Camp, 1919-198647447
AMC: properties – Crawford Notch, 1982, 200247448
AMC: properties – Echo Lake Camp, 1976-198947449
AMC: properties – Lakes of the Clouds, 1915, 196747450
AMC: properties – Madison Hut, c. 1965-200847451
AMC: properties – Mizpah Springs Hut, 1965-201547452
AMC: properties – Pinkham Notch, 1969-200847453
AMC: properties – Three Mile Island, 197347454
AMC: properties – Zealand Falls Hut, c. 196047455
AMC: properties – huts booklet, 191647456
AMC: properties – huts brochures, 1933-194047457
AMC: properties – huts brochures, 1967-197848458
AMC: properties – huts brochures, 1981-201548459
AMC: properties – 100 year centennial huts brochures, 198848460
AMC: properties – huts miscellaneous centennial materials, 198848461
AMC: properties – huts clippings and articles, 1932-199548462
AMC: properties – huts, Jerry J. Newitt hut system notecards, undated48463
AMC: properties – Maine, Massachusetts, New York,48464
AMC: misc. hut books48n/a
AMC: annual reports, 1960-197249465
AMC: annual reports, 1974-200349466
AMC: officers and committee rosters, 1969, 197349467
AMC: treasurer’s reports, 1968-197249468
AMC: Officer and Committee Report booklets, 1970-198249n/a
AMC: membership registers, 1883-195550n/a
AMC: membership registers, 1958-198051n/a
AMC: membership materials, 1956-197951469
AMC: fundraising reports, 1970-200351470
AMC: fundraising campaigns, 1979-201551471
AMC: fundraising campaigns, 1970-201551472
AMC: fundraising, Maine Woods, 200751473
AMC maps: early maps, 1882, 1887, 192852474
AMC maps: blueprint maps, 1898-192852475
AMC maps: Marjorie Hooker trails map, 1947 (8 copies)52476
AMC maps: Map of the Mount Washington Range, 1920-197352477
AMC maps: Northern Peaks Maps, Louis F. Cutter, 1914, 191752478
AMC maps: miscellaneous maps and supplements52479
AMC White Mountain Guide (published before 1928 as Guide to the Paths in the White Mountains and Adjacent Regions), 1907, 1916, 1917, 1920, 1922, 1928, 193153n/a
AMC White Mountain Guide, 1934, 1936, 1940, 1948, 1952, 1955, 196054n/a
AMC White Mountain Guide, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1976, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992, 199855n/a
AMC Guide to Mt. Washington and the Presidential Range, 1976m 1979, 1983, 199255n/a
AMC guides: Massachusetts and Rhode Island Guide; New England Canoeing Guide; Maine Mountain Guide; River Guide, New Hampshire and Vermont; Katahdin Guide56n/a

1.25 linear feet (3 boxes)

This series contains maps, primarily of the White Mountains, but also of New Hampshire and New England.  Many of the maps are originals; photocopies have been noted in the box listing. This series also contains information about White Mountain map makers and some clippings, articles, and research notes related to the history of White Mountain maps.

DescriptionBox #Folder #
Jeremy Belknap’s “A New Map of NH,” 1791 photocopy57480
NH map, Guernsey, 187057481
NH state map, Geo. Walker & Co., 190557482
Map of the State of New Hampshire, Shurtleff, 192657483
Map of the State of New Hampshire, Shurtleff, 1926 [with original mailing envelope]57484
Scenic NH map, lists hotels and garages, c. 192057485
NH state highway maps, 1920-192957486
NH state highway and railroad maps, 1930-193957487
NH map, Works Progress Administration (WPA) Federal Writers’ Project, 193757488
Scenic map of NH, 193757489
NH tourist maps, 1940-194957490
Bicycling in NH map + descriptions, 198157491
Central NH map, including the White Mountains District, c. 188057492
Crawford’s Map of the White Mountains, 187057493
Map of the White Mountains, prepared for Eastman’s White Mountain Guide, c. 187057494
A Topographical Map of the White Mountains of NH, C.H. Hitchcock, c. 187057495
Topographic maps of the White Mountains and Central NH, 190257496
National Geographic White Mountains map, 193757497
White Mountains recreation maps, published by the White Mountains Region Association, 1960-197057498
Robin’s Nest Tourist Station (Thornton, NH) White Mountains maps, undated57499
New Hampshire map pamphlets, 1950-199057n/a
Bird Eye View Maps: Mt. Washington, Lake Winnipesaukee, c. 1900-190958500
Panoramic view maps: Mt. Washington, Smarts Mountain, Cannon Mountain, Bellevue Hill (MA), 1904-194858501
Winter recreation maps, 1938-197958502
Franconia Notch maps, 1920-200458503
Tours from Bretton Woods maps, 190558504
Waterville Valley maps, 1913 (photocopy), 197058505
Mt. Washington maps, 1926- c. 200058506
Lake Winnipesaukee map, 190158507
Randolph, NH – Louis F. Cutter maps, c. 1920-194458508
A. Scott (Alva Scott Garfield) Map of the White Mountains, from Boston Sunday Herald, 194958509
Belknap Mountains Fun Map (2 copies), c. 195058510
Shelburne Trails maps, c. 1950s (photocopies)58511
White Mountain National Forest maps, 1936-198358512
Northern NH, Coos County maps, 1832-200658513
NH, New England + Monadnock maps, c. 1900-190458514
Vermont and Maine maps, 1887-199058515
Bound maps: “A Map, With Views of the White Mountains,” George P. Bond, 1853 (4 editions)59n/a
Bound maps: “New Map of the White Mountains,” Harvey Boardman, 1858-1871 (9 editions) + Boardman’s White Mountain Guide, 185959n/a
Bound maps of the White Mountains, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, miscellaneous, c. 1860-c. 189059n/a
Tissue copies of Bond map, 185359516
Maps of the White Mountains, 1677-1988, Harvard Map Collection Exhibition, 200659517
White Mountain map history, clippings, articles, research notes, etc.59518
Louis F. Cutter map information and history59519
Misc. oversized maps (primarily photocopies), 3D maps, etc.Flat File Cabinet 

DescriptionBox #Folder.#
NH historical markers, pamphletsCarton Box 1520
NH historical markers, clippings and informationCarton Box 1521
NH, Mount MonadnockCarton Box 1522
NH, general history and information, 1817-1976Carton Box 1523
NH, Concord in the RevolutionOS Box 14
New England rivers, trails, and mountainsCarton Box 1524
New England heritage and historyCarton Box 1525
Maine, generalCarton Box 1526
Maine, Katahdin and Baxter State Park, folder 1Carton Box 1527
Maine, Katahdin and Baxter State Park, folder 2Carton Box 1528
MassachusettsCarton Box 1529
New YorkCarton Box 1530
VermontCarton Box 1531
Trail guides, MA, ME, NY, VTCarton Box 2n/a

27.71 linear feet (33 half sized carton boxes and 5 oversized boxes)

This series contains complete or near complete collections of White Mountains related publications including: AMC’s Appalachia Journal, AMC Bulletin/AMC Outdoors, Coos Magazine/ Northern New Hampshire Magazine, New Hampshire Troubadour, New Hampshire Profiles Magazine, Windswept : the quarterly publication of the Mount Washington Observatory, as well as other miscellaneous periodicals.

DescriptionBox #
Appalachia Journal, volumes issued between 1876- 1919. Bound.Periodicals Box 1 & 1a
Appalachia Journal, volumes issued between November 1920 – December, 1952Periodicals Box 2
Appalachia Journal, volumes issued between June 1953 – December, 1979Periodicals Box 3
Appalachia Journal, volumes issued between December, 1980 – Winter/ Spring 2012Periodicals Box 4
Appalachia. Bulletin issue, [monthly gazette of the doings of the Appalachian Mountain Club. Collection of 252, out of a possible 384 Bulletins], volumes issued in the 32 year period between 1918-1949Periodicals Box 5
Appalachia. Bulletin issue, volumes issued between January 1972 and December 1974Periodicals Box 6
Appalachia. Bulletin issue, volumes issued between January 1975 and December 1977Periodicals Box 7
Appalachia. Bulletin issue, volumesissued between January 1978 and December 1980Periodicals Box 8
Appalachia. Bulletin issue, volumes issued between January/ February 1981 and December 1984Periodicals Box 9
Appalachia. Bulletin issue, volumes issued between January/ February 1985 and December 1988Periodicals Box 10
Appalachia. Bulletin issue, volumes issued between May 1988 and July/ August 1991Periodicals Box 11
Appalachia. Bulletin issues/ AMC Outdoors, volumes issued between September 1991 and July/ August 1994. During this period, the name of the Bulletin became AMC OutdoorsPeriodicals Box 12
AMC Outdoors, issued between September 1994 and September 1997Periodicals Box 13
AMC Outdoors, issued between January/ February 1998 and April 2001Periodicals Box 14
AMC Outdoors, issued between May 2001 and July/ August 2004Periodicals Box 15
AMC Outdoors, issued between September 2004 and December 2007Periodicals Box 16
AMC Outdoors, issued between January/ February 2008 and December 2011Periodicals Box 17
AMC Outdoors, issued between January/ February 2012 and May/ June 2017 [some issues missing]Periodicals Box 18
Among the Clouds, Burts, 1877 [incomplete]Periodicals LS Box 1
Among the Clouds, September 9, 1903, August 1, 1912Periodicals LS Box 1
The Bugle at Bretton Woods, August 4, 6, 7, 1906,Periodicals LS Box 1
Coos Magazine/ Northern New Hampshire Magazine [renamed in 1994], June 1989-May 1993OS Box 2
Coos Magazine/ Northern New Hampshire Magazine [renamed in 1994], June 1993-December 1996OS Box 3
Coos Magazine/ Northern New Hampshire Magazine [renamed in 1994], January 1997-October 2000OS Box 4
Coos Magazine/ Northern New Hampshire Magazine [renamed in 1994], new larger size, November 2000-August 2005 [final issue]OS Box 5
The Courier; special millennium edition, December 29, 1999OS Box 1, FF 3
Eastern Slope Regionnaire, summer 1951, summer 1952Periodicals Box 19
Ford Times, July 1949, December 1949, April 1956, September 1958, December 1958, February 1959, June 1960, May 1966; Ford Times Special Edition: New England Journeys, 1953-1958Periodicals Box 19
The Granite Monthly, August 1907, September-October 1914, December 1922Periodicals Box 19
Historical New Hampshire, summer 1965 [Summer in the White Mountains, Daniel H. Giffen], fall 1977 [farm buildings/ northern NH; Annie Trumbull Slosson, W.C. Prime in Franconia], winter1978 [diaries of Thomas Cole and Henry Cheever Pratt/ walk through Franconia in 1828], spring 1981 [NH skiing], winter 1983 [White Mountains and Late Romanticism], fall 1994 [Randolph, NH], spring/summer 1995 [grand resort hotels of the White Mountains]Periodicals Box 19
Holiday; Yankee Playland, New Hampshire, September 1951OS Box 1, FF 6
Magnetic North, spring 1984, autumn 1988, summer 1989Periodicals Box 19
Mt. Washington Valley Signal, Autumn 1968Periodical OS  Box 1
The Mountain Outlook, August 1, 1928Periodical OS  Box 1
New England Ski Museum Newsletter, summer 1998, 1999, winter 2002-summer 2005Periodicals Box 19
New England Ski Museum Newsletter, summer 2006- spring 2017Periodicals Box 20
The New Hampshire, June and July 1900Periodicals Box 20
NH Echoes, spring 1970, March/ April 1973, January/ February 1974Periodicals Box 20
NH Highways Monthly Bulletin, 1923 [all 6 volumes], August 1924, May 1925, August 1927, October-December 1932Periodicals Box 20
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between December 1951 and August 1954Periodicals Box 21
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between October 1954 and August 1957Periodicals Box 22
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between September 1957 and April 1961Periodicals Box 23
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between May 1961 and March 1964Periodicals Box 24
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between June 1964 and August 1967Periodicals Box 25
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between September 1967 and April 1971Periodicals Box 26
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between May 1971 and April 1974Periodicals Box 27
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between May 1974 and December 1976Periodicals Box 28
New Hampshire Profiles, issued February 1977, February/ March 1979; February 1987 – August 1987Periodicals Box 29
New Hampshire Profiles, issued between October 1987 and December 1991          Periodicals Box 30
NH Times, special issue, a day in the life in New Hampshire, 1975OS Box 1, FF 2
NH Troubadour, This is New Hampshire, oversized periodical, c. 1938OS Box 1, FF 9
New Hampshire Spirit, an Outdoor Magazine, winter 1987 [premiere issue]Periodicals Box 31
Outlook, the Magazine of Northern New Hampshire, photocopies of articles, covers, plus a few original issuesPeriodicals Box 31
Second Indian Stream Republic, a New Hampshire Quarterly, 1972Periodicals Box 31
Saturday Evening Post [Concord, NH], October 22, 1949OS Box 1, FF 5
The White Mountain Echo and Tourist Register, August 17, 1889, July 6, 1901, August 28, 1926Periodicals OS Box 1
White Mountain Echoes, 2 complete sets, 1951-1954, plus other misc. copiesPeriodicals Box 31
White Mountain Outlook, 1931-1933, 1938Periodicals OS Box 1
The White Mountain Scrapbook; Early Stories and Legends of the Crystal Hills, or White Mountains of New Hampshire, 1938-1956, 1994Periodicals Box 31
Windswept : the quarterly publication of the Mount Washington Observatory, issued between September 1960 and Winter 1996Periodicals Box 32
Windswept : the quarterly publication of the Mount Washington Observatory, issued between Spring 1997 and Winter 2011-2012. 62 issuesPeriodicals Box 33

.42 linear feet (1 box)

This series contains miscellaneous black and white photographs of the region, early stereoviews, as well as early and reproduction lithographic prints of White Mountain scenes. Materials in this series will be digitized and uploaded to the Museum’s online digital collections page.

1 linear foot (3 postcard boxes)

Materials in this series will be digitized and uploaded to the Museum’s online digital collections page.

Materials in this series are being cataloged by Plymouth State University’s Lamson Library, and can be found by searching the library’s online public access catalog.