PSU Faculty member Amy Villamagna

Amy Villamagna

Phone: (603) 535-2177
Office: Tourism, Environment & Sustainable Societies, Boyd Science Center, MSC 48, Plymouth, NH 03264


PhD Fisheries & Wildlife Science, Virginia Tech,
MS Sustainable Development & Conservation Biology, University of Maryland
BA Environmental Studies – Policy, Eckerd College

Professor Villamagna is a former coordinator of the Environmental Science & Policy program who now serves as co-leader of the Environment & Sustainable Societies Academic Unit. She teaches in several “green” programs and her scholarship as a conservation ecologist with PSU’s Center for the Environment integrates field and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) methods to explore how societal behaviors, infrastructure, and changes in land use and climate affect ecosystems and the biodiversity within. With a PhD in fisheries and wildlife science, Professor Villamagna joined PSU in 2014 from Virginia Tech, where she was a research scientist, and the University of Maryland, where she was a lecturer and graduate research advisor in the Sustainable Development & Conservation Biology program. She resides in Plymouth with her family where they actively enjoy the many gifts of our natural world through recreation, cultivation, and stewardship.

Courses (undergraduate)

  • Introduction to Environmental Science and Policy I
  • Introduction to Field Techniques
  • Advanced Conservation Ecology
  • Sustainability Capstone – Community Sustainability
  • Watershed Systems
  • A variety of GIS in Environmental Science courses

Courses (graduate)

  • Applied Environmental GIS

Recent Publications (*student collaborators)

Scott, L.*, A. Villamagna. 2020. SWAT vs. RUSLE: Which better predicts benthic habitat condition? Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. In press

Scott, L.*, A. Villamagna, P. Angermeier. 2018. A new modeling approach to prioritize riparian restoration to reduce sediment loading in two Virginia river basins. Environmental Management. 62(4):721-739.

Evans, E., A. Villamagna, M. Green, J. Cambell. 2018. Origins of stream salinization in an upland New England watershed. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190: 523.

Sutherland, I*, A. Villamagna,… 2017. Undervalued and under pressure: A plea for greater attention toward regulating ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators. In Press

Villamagna, A., B. Mogollón*, and P. Angermeier. 2017 Inequity in ecosystem service delivery: socioeconomic gaps in the public-private conservation network. Ecology & Society 22(1):36.

Villamagna, A., L. Scott*, and J. Gillespie. 2015. Collateral benefits from public and private conservation lands: a comparison of ecosystem service capacities. Environmental Conservation. 1-12.

Villamagna, A., B. Mogollón*, and P. Angermeier. 2014. A multi-indicator framework for mapping cultural services: the case of freshwater recreational fishing. Ecological Indicators 45, 255-265.

Villamagna, A., N. Niazi*, and P. Angermeier. 2013. Evaluating Opportunities to Enhance Ecosystem Services in Public Use Areas. Ecosystem Services 7: 167–176