We need your help to make sure every child has their winter needs and holiday wishes filled this season.
The Angel Tree Project is an annual initiative at Plymouth State University that partners with 10+ local community agencies to provide winter needs and holiday gifts to children. This year we have 309 tags representing children in our communities. You can become an “angel” and sponsor a child’s tag by providing items requested by that specific child.
2023 Angel Tree Gift Return
November 29th & 30th, 10am-4pm
Please return gifts to the Office of Community Impact, located in room 039,
on the first floor of the Hartman Union Building at 17 High Street, Plymouth, NH.
Sponsor a Child's Tag
We need “angels” to sponsor children’s angel tree tags.
Make a Donation
Maybe holiday shopping isn’t really your thing, but you still want to help, this is for you!
Every year we have tags and wishes that go unfulfilled and rely on donations to help support gifts for the unchosen tags.
Volunteer & Spread Cheer
Reach out to our Student Impact Ambassador, Diana Daigle about volunteer opportunities. We’ll be handing out angel tree tags in the HUB every day in November and would love to have you help!
You can also help us spread the word by sharing this website or following our social media pages to share the love.